
Ligalismo already has a book

The first book of the current Ligalismo was presented / displayed by the director of the Conservatory of Music and several professors and holders of the UGR of different disciplines, from the anthropology to the botany, passing through the painting, drawing and Spanish language.

The event took place within the closing acts of the exhibition of Fernando Bolivar that has hosted the Professional Conservatory of Music 'Angel Barrios' of Granada for 3 months. In the morning was the last guided tour by the author who attended a TVE team to shoot a report and an interview. And in the afternoon at 6 o'clock began the presentation of the book entitled: 'Ligalismo. The current of the 21st century '. The host, Luis Vidueira, director of the Conservatory, addressed those present, expressing the good reception of the exhibition in the center and his particular interest in plastic art, science and the book and the current it represents.

Professor Bolivar then thanked the teachers and alumni who were present at the table and among the audience and gave the floor to Miguel Botella, a famous researcher on human evolution, who highlighted the personality of the main author of the book. Did not go unnoticed, neither in scientific nor in the artistic field, since the 80's that was his student in the career of biology.

United Photo Press is a partnership and media sponser from Ligalismo.
Then Pedro Sánchez Castillo intervened, which also delves into the personality of the author whose relationship begins when 25 years ago agrees to direct his doctoral thesis on botany and restoration in the Alhambra. He highlighted what the current can bring not only in the artistic-scientific but also in the cooperation between human beings. For his part, the Spanish-language professor of the UGR Esteban Montoro, confessed that initially had some reluctance with the word ligalismo, but soon realized that indeed it was a word that could provide a new and useful concept for the Language and human relations.

Also involved the painter and professor of Drawing: Jesus Conde who pointed out the historic capacity of Granada to originate numerous artists and scientists who tend to relate to each other and is related to the great weight of the University in the city.

When the author saw the number of attendees who could contribute information and interesting opinions he invited them to take part and did so several classmates and alumni, such as the medievalist professor of Romance Languages ​​Antonio Rubio Flores, a schoolmate and current member of the musical group Which shows ligalist music with the pictogenic battery of Ferbo Ligali, the painting teacher: Consuelo Vallejo; Of Drawing: Roma Contreras, also biologist Paqui Medina, the three former pupils of the author; The pharmacist Miguel Ángel García López and the musician Ernesto Baquero, also member of the group 'Los Extraños Gabinetes'.

United Photo Press is a partnership and media sponser from Ligalismo.