Lightning photography is both one of the most tricky and one of the most frustrating types of photography. You get only one chance for the particular situation - it is not like portrait photography where you can go back in the studio if the photos didn’t come out well.
Lightning photos give us an experience of energy that is transfomative in nature. The lightning bolt is a field of combustible possibilites available in the human psyche. When someone is struck by lightning an instant molecular change takes place. If grounded the the person being struck will often have paranomal experiences, such as seeing future events, being in touch with multi-demensional phenomena and a connecting with nature and all sentient beings. In indigious cultures this was the sign of a healer, who lived to bring forth a boon to the community.
Photographing lightning at night is relatively easy provided you have access to remote areas away from town/city lights.
The results can be exciting but they are also partly based upon luck.
Here are Electrifying Pictures of Lightning Photography by Digital Picture Zone.
photo by nmjeeptours
photo by Lukebeales
photo by Jonathan
photo by rialynn
photo by EI Brujo-antes
photo by nmjeeptour
photo by lanramrod
photo by mvejerslev
photo by drstomp
photo by dock of the bay
photo by joe holme
photo by Ajka_Hungary
photo by marcin wisnio
photo by Gustavomaia
photo by Father_Mckenzie
photo by Scott Butner
photo by Philip Schexnayder
photo by Yorrick
photo by Kevin_Nickel
photo by talk2nicu
photo by Its a country thang
photo by Garry
photo by truan